Saturday, 20 October 2012

Sound in our thriller

Sound in Our Thriller



  • Dialogue
  • The motion of the car
  • Footsteps
  • Breathing
  • Car Doors opening
  • Car Locking
  • Phone ringing


  • As the car following behind approaches and comes into sight, suspenseful music will start to play as the car gets closer. We will edit the music to synchronise it with the actions at significant points. As the car pulls over, a beat kicks in with a fast tempo to suggest the intensity of the moment, again as he is walking toward her car, the music increases and becomes more intense. As he reaches the car and touches the door the non-diegetic music stops, leaving a few seconds of suspense in the silence to suggest something bad will happen.

Friday, 19 October 2012


In this opeing we see all theses men sitting round a table having bercfast but calling each other by colours eg. Mr Brown , Mr Black and Mr Pink, this sugests they cant use their real names for an importent reson. Being in a group and the mijority of them wearing suties suggeasts they are in a gang together. from the evendencs given we can guess they are criminals as they are talking about cusual muder over their becfast which would be classed as abnormal behaveour. the older man not in a suit seems to have dominnaces of not only over the men and convotion, him also having a lot of camera time shows us his importents.

Thriller idean powerpoint


Monday, 15 October 2012

Account of the Pitch and Feedback


I felt that our ideas in the pitch were presented very well and clearly although our teachers did pick up on a few problems which we noted for our feedback.
When the teachers reviewed our work and ideas for our thrillers we were given feedback in which we would have to take into account in order to improve our existing idea.
For my group our feedback consisted of:

Lose the idea of abduction fantasy and replace with another idea. A way of doing this may be to take the girl out of the equation and focus more on the Ugandan men plotting a plan.

Our idea can easily link to Kony research which has recently been in the news and was the subject of much speculation therefore this would be an interesting topic to research and possibly incorporate some of the matters into our thriller.

Possible outline of conspiracy thriller:
ACT 1 – main character discovers the conspiracy
ACT 2 – the process of revealing the conspiracy
ACT 3 – the exposure and reaction to the conspiracy

A major issue connected to our idea was the fact that the opening is set in Uganda, which consequently would be very hard for our group to film in the UK with a sense of realism.

It may just be that our idea is too much of a vast project to deal with in these circumstances. Therefore it would be wise to take the thriller from a different conspiracy angle.

Our idea was not completely successful and we will have to return to the drawing board, they did approve of the idea but admitted that it was too big of a task to accomplish in one day. Therefore we are saving the idea for a later date. I thought the process was positive, as we worked very well as a group, which is a good start to our thriller project and it was very helpful to gain feedback from the experts of these student projects.
The feedback was not entirely positive, as we will have to return to the drawing board. The teachers did like the idea but admitted that it was too big of a task to accomplish in one day. Therefore we are saving the idea for a later date.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Editing our preliminary task

Editing our preliminary task In this lesson on editing we learned how to check in and out of final cut server. We worked on cutting and the shots and putting them together on the time line. I enjoyed how we all contributed but yet all had similar ideas for the clip.we lernt how log which was creating to log bins a rush bin and log bin , the rush bin was for all shot and the log bin was for the better shoot that we thought we were most likely to use. this made editing over all much easer as every thing was orgainised before hand.  I think over all it worked out well. I enjoyed the fact that we I think you have to have full focus on the task or it’s impossible to do it.
It’s a time consuming prose’s to edit 5 seconds of frottage it can take up to an hour to get perfectly in time and the length of the cut. Matching the story boards was much harder then I thought it was going to be to get all the clips to match up to the story board script took a lot of back and frothing , to make sure its all in order and matching up with the script.
Personally I problem found the most challenging part. Honest we had a lot of shots from the wide shot and extreme close ups and every thing in-between. However I don’t think it made easer to under stand the script, the script its self is pretty self explanatory. The extra shots only gave us more options how to construct our clip. If you could do it again you did whilst filming that would have made. probebly this most importent thing learnt was that when filming not every thing can shot on a wide shot for meny, reasons one being it would be very boring reason two being that some trick in the clip can only work when bit are cut and put together, reson three being it also adds dramatic effect and can set the pace.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

music analysis 'the shining'

when this clip it watched with sound, the clip is scary. however when you watch the clip on mute it becomes so innocent , just a little boy riding his bike around a hotel. the non-diegetic music creates an scary atmosphere. building suspense and fear, as the camera tracks behind him we get the scene he is being followed. the faster he rides the more sinister the music becomes as we see him about turn a Conner the music makes us think that something bad is going to happen. the sound of his wheels and pedals are enhanced as to add to the feel of his fast pace and movement.

sound really effects this particular piece of film as without it the clip would have a completely different message from scary to sweet.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

First camera lesson

First lesson using the camera

We learnt the basic skills of using this particular camera. We
Also learnt how to put up a tripod in the correct odder, when you slot
The camera on make sure it is on properly before letting it go. Just
Like a building lever the one located on the tripod must be levelled
Before filming can start. We learnt what the different icons on the camera
Lens are, such as the time code, the shutter speed number and the battery.
We learnt how to check the exposure and the white balance. Then we learnt
How to zoom in and out during a shot, to get the best focus you can, you need to
Something detailed like an eye. Then focus on it then, when you zoom out
The shot will be clear. We learnt all the various terminology used between
Crew and cast.

After we got the hang of how to use the camera, we were split in to groups and had a chance to do some short clips, taking in to account every thing we had done that lesson

White balance

When the white balance is not correct colour can seem unrealistic and not very appealing. This can cores a blue or orange tint to what you’re filming, to insure this doesn’t happen you need your camera to focus on white airier. Hold down the white balance key and it will be well balanced. This will make your footage look more realistic.

To focus the camera you have to zoom into the subject of the frame, for example it eye, zoom in to the focus of the eyes and twist the focus ring until they are pin sharp. The zoom out onto the whole frame and your focus is correct.

The exposure changes the overall look of an image, and is a core and key parts of basic filming. If you overexpose an image, too much light has been allowed into the camera and the image will be brighter than it should be, and lose detail with in the light. If the image is underexposed, it will appear dark and again detail will be lost, as not enough light has entered the camera.


Timecode is the visual for the amount of time you been filming for. It is often displayed in hours, minutes, seconds and frames per second. It allows you to keep track of you work and refer back to certain places later when editing. There are 24 frames shot in every second of footage minimum. In higher quality and slow motion cameras, the number of frames per second is increased, giving a much smoother flowing image.

the camera we use SONY NX5  

180 degree

The meaning

It is a basic rule that means that two characters should always have the same left and right relationship to each other. When a camera crosses the line 'axis' connecting to two subjects it is called "crossing the line". The new shot is called the reverse angle shot.

An example
This diagram shows an axis between two people and the 180 degree arc and the camera may be placed in the green airier. When cutting from the green arc to the red arc, the people would have appeared to have switched places on the screen. 

you can only brake the 180 degree rule is by moving the camera a long tracks wile filming.

My thriller idea


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

poster analysis of "Black swan"

from this poster we can see that the overall image is very basic , but however if we look at the image in depth we can see even though she has a good amount of eye make up on that she is extremely pail almost verging on being white this colour could be used to represent her innocence or purity , contrasting with the black back ground suggesting something bad is going to happen. we know from her being on the poster that she is probably the main focus of the film or a sub satchel part. on the side of her face we see a crack which makes her look like some sort of broken doll again this can suggest something bad is going to happen to her , however the crack could be symbolic for maybe something to do with the mind instead of her literally cracking. the title being "black swan" we can associate swans with strength and gracefulness , where as we associate the colour black with dark, evil, and harsh. the title really contrast so we know something bad is going to happen with in the movie. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

crank, high voltageand Red poster analysis

This poster of crank target audience I think is for more male viewers aged 17 and up. You know it’s not for any ones much younger then that because the cover is very basic, there are no bright and vibrant colours to attract them to the cover. Also the main character is not a well know younger actor which might make younger people more interested if they new of him. The reason it apples to a male audience is because the cover of this film is very gritty and gory of man putting a clap on his tongue. The car clamps suggests action and putting them on his tongue suggests gore. Which are both stronger key factors of male appealing films. Of cores women can watch it as well as men but it should appeal to the male sex a lot more due to its themes. Full of dull colours and wording but the picture is the most appealing factor witch I think are what men look at if the don’t like the movie cover they wont watch it, so its short to the point, it shows it bases on action.

This poster of RED target audience I think is over 16 as it probably has an age restriction due to its contents. Like crank the cover is still quite basic but with a little more colour with the deep red. However un like crank I think this thriller would appeal more to a female audience given that the cover gives an idea of romance and maybe something a little deeper. It has no leads on to gore but I think it dose have a link to action just no as obvious as the cover of crank. Again men can watch it but I think women would be more inclined to, due to gender related cover layout with the deep reds to relate to perhaps the passionate kiss, and there being three people knowing something going to go wrong.

 Both these films are not only limited to a certain age but also appealed to a certain age group as well and gender. However every thriller or any film at all will always appeal to a certain age group and gender.