Thursday, 27 September 2012

Children Of Men Poster Analysis

Analysis of 'Children of Men'. Poster We looked at the man who seems to play a big part in the movie or have some significance or he wouldn’t be on the cover, so we know he has a part to play in the movie. We see him behind broken glass looking very unscrupulous with his messy hair and stubble. This suggest that something has happened which as prevented him from his probably day task of shaving, cleaning his face and even brushing his hair. He being behind the glass and not in front of it suggests some sort of not only physical but mental brayer, which he has managed to break though. In the poster we see a ruff edge of the glass around his face, but one particular edge is shaped like a knife and right next to his throat. This could be metaphorical, suggesting danger or even death. The first thing we see is the deep red writing as the colour draws you eye in suggesting blood ,death or even a warning , then to his eyes this could be for a few reason. 1 being in the u.k we read left to write so to see the writing on the left then you eyes flow to the right where his eyes are on a similar level. It could be that his eyes looked very determined and are framed by the glass. Then we look on to see the title of the film, like going on to the next line of a book you start from left to write. Then last we see the glass pointing at his throat, it’s not obvious at first but is still noticeable. The light coming from the corner of the poster could symbolizes a lot of things, in contrast to the red writing meaning danger it could mean there is hope. The light in the corner almost looks like it speeding over the page, as to say there has been darkness but now there is light. Instead of him looking afraid he look determined as if he’s not scared of what’s surrounding him or what’s happening. I think this poster is composed well, it shows a lot of literal and metaphorical messages. Very powerful poster full of contrasting meanings. However it is also aesthetically pleasing. By applying to the rule of thirds, good lighting , it has peruse and meaning and it well composed.

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