Thursday, 17 January 2013

Justification for Actor

When choosing our actor we wanted a boy looks about 17, but also still looks innocent, however, we didn't want him to look too angelic as his actions in the play break the law.
Looking at child and teenage actors in other thriller films, they look their age but don't look too cute. A perfect example of this is Damien from The Omen.
He is still obviously a young boy, but his dark features ensure that he doesn't look like a harmless character because he becomes possessed by the devil. 
However, despite our character breaking the law, he is actually fighting for the greater good and so is represented as a positive character; because of this, we want him to appear kind and with good intentions. Similar to the boy in The Shining, our character should be kind looking.
The boy doesn't have bright blonde hair and blue eyes but doesn't have dark hair and piercing green eyes like Damien.
Nick, we think, is a mix of the two and he has quite a mature face so we can clearly see his age. This helps to communicate his Autism as the audience will realise there is something slightly strange about a boy in the top end of his teenage years wearing childish pyjamas.


Tuesday, 8 January 2013


 drawing of what our set looked like on the day of our shoot.


Friday, 4 January 2013

changing our thirller

Changes to Thriller

After a lot of preparation, blog posts and note taking of details to our thriller we have incidentally decided to change aspects of our thriller.

1) LOCATION: At first, we planned our thriller in a boarding house bedroom but we have since decided that we do not need the detail of the boy getting out of bed in his bedroom. Plus, the lighting of the room would have been a difficulty as we wanted dim lighting as the thriller is meant to be in the middle of the night. Therefore, we decided to film in the media studio, setting up the boys desk and locating him under it on his laptop.

2)SHOTS: We also exchanged the potential aerial shot at the start of the thriller of the boys bedroom to a tracking shot which acts as an establishing shot of the boys bedroom, introducing the viewers to his workspace.

3)DIRECTION OF ACTOR: We also changed the position of the actor. At first, we wanted the boy to be sat at his computer, typing and hacking the FBI but we decided to change this around so the boy is hunched over under the desk so his activity seems more secretive and intrigues the audience into wanting to find out what the boy is doing.

4)PROPS: We changed around the position of the props as we decided to place the airfix models on the boys desk rather than set up the airfix on a second desk away from his computer desk. We also decided against having shots of the pyramid of rubix cubes and the filament of the light bulb brightening up. Instead we concentrated on the boy's activity and typing to heighten the mystery.


Our changed set:

Thursday, 3 January 2013

new cast list


cast list

The character of the autistic boy should be played by an actor who is:
  • Able to act vulnerable yet mature
  • Good Actor
  • Appealing to a young audience
  • Able to be tried in America for an adult
We decided on the actor, Nick Lyasovsky.

We decided he was right for the role as he is acclaimed as a talented actor therefore he could easily act with the symptoms of autism, which may be quite challenging for other potential actors. Therefore he will also be able to act in a vulnerable yet mature way. He may appeal to a younger audience which may attract younger viewers to want to see the film as the storyline may not necessarily attract them to want to see the film. Nick also looks the right age for the role and he could also be tried for an adult in America

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

research into casting

Research into casting



Once our group decided on Nick as our main character we found a few similarities between him and Mark Zuckerburg the creator of 'Facebook' And seen in the film 'The Social Network'. It has been said that Mark Zuckerburg has autism tendencies, which is highly relatable to our character in 'SOLO' The other link between Zuckerburg and our character is he has technology skills as he started and created the website and social networking site 'Facebook', which is relatable to our character as he is hacking into the FBI and is able to do this due to his autism and general fascination for technology. By having this relation it also shows people that autism can affect any body and it doesn't restrict you in life with anything possible and achievable. By making this link we can also gather a wider target audience due to the fact that everyone knows about 'Facebook' and is most likely to be connected to it.

Shooting Schedule


9am - 10pm - preparing set and collecting props

10am - 1pm - tracking shot/establishing shot

1pm - 2pm - lunch

2pm - 4pm - close up shots and slider shots

4pm - 5pm - tracking shot across the desk