Wednesday, 2 January 2013

research into casting

Research into casting



Once our group decided on Nick as our main character we found a few similarities between him and Mark Zuckerburg the creator of 'Facebook' And seen in the film 'The Social Network'. It has been said that Mark Zuckerburg has autism tendencies, which is highly relatable to our character in 'SOLO' The other link between Zuckerburg and our character is he has technology skills as he started and created the website and social networking site 'Facebook', which is relatable to our character as he is hacking into the FBI and is able to do this due to his autism and general fascination for technology. By having this relation it also shows people that autism can affect any body and it doesn't restrict you in life with anything possible and achievable. By making this link we can also gather a wider target audience due to the fact that everyone knows about 'Facebook' and is most likely to be connected to it.

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