Friday, 22 February 2013

Editing our thrillers

we started editing by looking over all our shots and selecting our best clips that we think we would use in our final product. we created to bins a log bin and a rush bin, the log bin was for our best shoots and the rush bin was to stor all clips in cases they where needed. there was a lot discution over shots as we had a bout 3 atempts of the same shot and somtimes there was only somthing that tiny which made the diffrence so it was a lot of work making sure we all agreed on the clips. this task took a lot longer the aprehended as there where a lot disagrements due everyone having their own view of what they wanted . however we all had good reasons for chosing the shots we wanted , somtimes just from one gruop member saying idea would change every ones minds. i think this wouldnt have worked out so well if we didnt cominicate , i think this was key to the hole edit proses and our honesty with each other, if one wasnt happy then we changed it untill we where all satified.

continuity was a really big part of our editing beucase it was so easy to miss the simpleist of things, which would have affected our thriller drasticly. Our thriller is made up of lots of fast moving and changing cuts to add to the atmoshper we had wanted to create. the focus was on him ,the computer and what he was doing on the computer. what had it hadder for i think was that we couldnt only do an eye line match then move on , we had to link all the cuts to make it flow as a clip. from his hands typing to the words hes typing on the keys to the screen to his eyes back to the screen and then his hands. I think this mad our editing a lot hadder as we didnt have to match section the hole thing had to work, a cut may work with the preveous shot but not fit the next shot. there was a lot changes made through out our editing prosses even right at the end , i think continuity.

creating a pace for our film was not as hard as exspected. After reading over a full movie story we knew the film would be a fast moving action film. to create the pace of the movie in the space of two minits wasnt the easyist but having all the back ground information and four outlooks on it made it easrer to conclude. starting out slow and controled but aprehencive and becomging fast and panicted.
so we started with a slow in and out tracking shot to give a clear shot of the room hes in and how tecnilogical he is. the we movies in to mid shots of him typing and over the shoulder shots with slightly faster cuts. then we moved in to close up with fast cuts showing  the up in the pace and not giving a lot away of what hes doing to add destress and panic.

for our thriller creating perpective was hard as we wanted our charicter to come across as aurtist however this much harder to do then to play a down syderom person persay as there disability is more physically obvous. where as artisum has aspects such as being un able to interact or socailis with other people. unforchently our actor is alone though out our title seqwence so to display this disablity was complicated.

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