Monday, 18 March 2013

task 1

Our thriller starts with the close up shot of the computer screen and progresses by slowly tracking out to an establishing shot of the setting, revealing the entire mise-en-scene of the boy's bedroom. This is a typical convention of a thriller as suspense is usually built from the very beginning by gradually introducing the audience to the action.

then cuts to this shoot which is where the first title that comes up. using after effect as to create something virtual helps appeal to an audience interested in sci-fi and techno thrillers. as well as creating the scene of something serous due to the text the colours and non-diegetic music.


These next shots effectively communicate the technology theme of our thriller showing what is supposedly displayed on the boy's computer screen whilst he is cracking codes and discovering links to the FBI mainframe. This is typical of many techno thrillers as the film Pi shows many shots of charts and numbers and formulae, flickering in and out of the main action in the title sequence giving an insight to viewers of the technicality of the thriller.

 The low viewpoint mid shot of the main character displays his attention and concentration directed at cracking the code as well as threatening the audience as a result of the intimidating shot. This is similar to the film Pi as the main character creating a formula is shown to have frequent close up with in the film to allow the audience to relate to the character as well as maintaining a close narrative with the main character the audience should supposedly sympathise with.
This tracking shot introduces the audience to more of the thriller's mise-en-scene which is ultimately reinforcing the themes and messages of the thriller as the posters and pictures of aeroplanes relate to the boy's obsession with the aircraft. Additionally the tracking shot above shows the endless amount of gadgets and technology being used by the boy. This is typical of techno thrillers, in particular the thriller Pi as a result of scenes showing the main character situated amongst technology and computers. 
These final shots indicate the boy's success in cracking the FBI mainframe code and therefore display technological knowledge of the boy as a result of his autism. This is a skill he has acquired from the syndrome, being similar to the workings of the main character in the thriller Pi as he endeavours to work out the formula of Pi.
linking our images to other movie clips




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